The Board Success Podcast - The Gender Penalty

The Board Success Podcast - The Gender Penalty

What happens when you put two passionate, curious, and accomplished women together on a podcast… who happen to be long-term friends?

All of it happens!

Being interviewed by my good friend and founder of the Board Coaching Institute, Sally Parrish, was a rare treat. Given our work together over the years it made for a raw, honest and surprising conversation about gender equality and the concepts in my new book, The Gender Penalty. She pulls no punches in her interviews!

Why are women's voices overlooked and undervalued?

Why are women's voices overlooked and undervalued?

Communication is a critical workplace skill. It is a way to contribute value, demonstrate knowledge, influence outcomes, build relationships and build your leadership brand – unless you’re a woman. Then it’s not so straightforward…

When men speak up, their voices are valued. When women speak up, their contributions are often challenged. This makes being seen and heard a constant battle for women in the workplace.

Why are women’s voices overlooked and undervalued? Why does society hear women differently when they speak? What can we do about it? Find out in this article.