When Men Lead Women: Anneli Blundell Talks Interpersonal Intelligence and Allyship

Delighted to be interviewed in Women Who Win #Dreamcatchers, a global online media publication supporting women at work.

I got to talk about:

1. How I got started in my own business,
2. What I'm passionate about (hint: PEOPLE),
3. Why I'm supporting men and women in gender equality conversations, and
4. My hope for the future

Here’s an excerpt from the interview.

“If we believe that men and women are equally able in a company or a country, then we should be expecting a 50/50 outcome. If we don’t get that then there is either bias or constraints to natural merit.” - Lieutenant General Angus Campbell, Chief of Army

This quote reminds us that when there are not enough women at the top it’s a result of one of two things – women are not as good as men or the system is holding them back.

So if you believe that men and women are created equal, inequality must be due to an uneven playing field for women at work.

‘Far from a zero-sum game, feminisim is the tide that lifts all boats.’ - Michael Kimmel, sociologist and expert on men and masculinity.

Equality is not just good for women. Research shows many direct benefits for men, as a result of a achieving a fairer workplace for women. We need to address this issue together, for the benefit of all.