Mamamia - 'As women, we are told not to brag. Here's exactly why we should.'

Getting ahead is as much about visibility as it is about value, and getting noticed is less about doing a great job and more about being seen to be doing a great job, Those who showcase their work, spotlight their wins, and highlight their achievements, create a professional edge. However, society's distaste for women who boast makes self-promotion a pain point for women. Men who talk up their professional achievements are seen as accomplished, whereas women who do the same are seen as boastful.

No one likes a show-off, but in the world of work, we particularly dislike these behaviours from women. It seems the rules for showcasing abilities and highlighting strengths are different for men and women.

Why does society support men to brag but abhor the same behaviour in women? And what happens to women’s prospects when they stay humble and modest?

Find out in this article or click the image below.

(This article originally appeared in Mamamia, 7th of March 2023.)