Why women aren't heard as leaders in the workplace

Why women aren't heard as leaders in the workplace

In mixed gender meetings, women are more likely to be talked over, interrupted and ignored than men. 

This is not necessarily because men don't believe women have value, but because we have all been conditioned to hear men and women differently.

Traditional stereotyping dictates that men are the leaders and women are the supporters. And so when it comes to how we listen, we give men more airtime and women less so.

When I was interviewed by the lovely Shar Moore for YMAG, I discussed several reasons why women aren't heard as equally as men, including:

  • second-generation bias (inherited structural bias)

  • being a minority in a majority environment (less women than men in leadership)

  • social backlash (why common career advice for women doesn't always work)

What have you noticed in your workplace?

Listen to the snippet here: https://bit.ly/2RVnbA2
Listen to the full interview here: https://apple.co/3ohK50I

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