The Low Down - AITD Training & Development Magazine

Honoured to be profiled in the December 2021 issue of the Training and Development magazine.

Fresh off my win as Dr. Alastair Rylatt Learning and Development Professional of the Year, 2021, the editor and I had a bit of fun with the Q&A.

So if you want to know my biggest training fail, or why the editor said, ‘Your answer to the zombie question made me snort out loud!!’ then check out the profile piece here.

Here's a sneaky peak at the interview...

"My journey has called me to develop a wide array of skills from one-to-one coaching to team building, to behaviour change programs to keynote speaking. And yet all the work I do is underpinned by my passion for decoding people and performance dynamics and understanding why people do what they do."

P.S This is a subscription based magazine so what you are reading is a special release copy. Lucky you! :) If you want to subscribe to the magazine simply go here:

Training & Development Magazine - Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD)

(This article originally appeared in Training & Development magazine, December 2021 Vol. 48 No. 4, published by the Australian Institute of Training and Development.)