Let’s talk about team communication.
It’s not enough THAT we talk to each other, it’s also HOW we talk to each other that counts. And to get better at that we need to reflect, review and refine the process of our discussions, not just the content of them.
It’s like trying to get better at piano by playing for 10,000 hours without review or adjustment. The 10,000 hours of playing bad piano won’t make you an expert, but 10,000 hours that is constantly reviewed, refine and adjusted, definitely will. 😂🎹
I had an awesome chat with Kerrie Phipps recently on this very topic if you want to hear more: https://youtu.be/S6uMbTEOJek
Listen to the full recording here: https://anchor.fm/kerriephipps/episodes/Confidence-Can-Be-Learned-e1mri70