International Men's Day: Breakfast with MANDY

For once it was two women talking about what men need at work, rather than men talking about women need at work. Perhaps this is the next step in equity? Or perhaps it's a misstep?

Have a listen and you can decide for yourself. :)

We cover the top three issues men are facing at work right now, particularly in regard to supporting gender equity at work, namely:

  1. not sure of their role

  2. don't fully understand the gender issues for women

  3. not sure what to do about it

Be one of the first to get access to Anneli’s new book.

Anneli Blundell white paper for women in leadership (3)-min.jpg

This is a pocketbook about the unspoken responses of men, to the rise of women at work. Men are grappling with their place in the fight for gender equality. They have questions, concerns, fears, and curiosities, about their presence and purpose in this issue, and are not always sure how to enter into discussions with sensitivity and support. Not all of their thoughts feel safe to explore in general discussion, without seeming sexist, ignorant or unsupportive.

This book is an attempt to surface the conversations that feel taboo, that may be unpopular, and perhaps a little too controversial to say out loud. It's an opportunity for men (and women) to engage in real dialogue and get answers to the questions they're hesitant to ask. Without a safe space to explore and understand the role men play in striving for equality, society as a whole will remain stuck in the status quo.

The ideas in this book provide the pathway forward for a new dialogue between men and women: A dialogue where blame and fear are replaced with clarity and courage, and men feel not only encouraged to get involved, but crucial to the cause.