Anneli Blundell - People Whisperer

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Immediate & Affirmative Feedback - Interview with Nina Sunday

On the job. On the day. In the moment.

That's when we should give developmental feedback. Not in the monthly 1:1s, and definitely not in an annual performance review.

Think about it. Elite sports teams don't get their performance feedback once a year - after they have won (or lost) the grand final. How ridiculous... and yet we do it all the time at work.

Enough. Leaders need to develop performance On. The. Job. Day in and day out. Rant over.

The rest of my rant continues in this interview with Nina Sunday on her podcast show, Manage Self, Lead Others.

You can listen to me butcher sporting terms, just for fun.

Oh, and the book I mention is Developing Direct Reports: Taking the guesswork out of leading leaders. It's a coaching guide on how to develop leadership skills in your teams. You can grab a copy here: