Are you addicted to development? Let me help you…

Are you addicted to development? Let me help you…

Confession: I’ve got an addiction to personal and professional development.

Seriously. I spend between $10k to $30k each year on my training and development. I know this is a lot compared to most corporate per head training budgets. I admit that my job is unique – I realise I am my own product and, luckily, I have a boss who understands you’re only as good as the investments you make (and yes, I am my own boss!). 

Over the past 13 years, I have spent thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars on everything from Conversational Intelligence, Power intelligence, Group dynamics, Neuroleadership, Business school, Coaching diplomas, Process oriented psychology, Neurolinguistic programming, Language and Behaviour profiling, Gestalt psychology, master mind groups and supervisors in training, speaking, facilitating, to coaching. I’ve done podcast programs, webinar programs, one-day programs, online programs, blended learning programs, 1:1 coaching, group coaching, and a billion leadership conferences…. not to mention my university degree. (You can check these out on my LinkedIn qualifications list if you’re curious). 

On top of this, I belong to various professional associations, and attend meetings and annual conferences of Professional Speakers Australia, Organisational Development Australia, International Coach federation, Australian Human Resource Institute, etc. etc etc!

A few years ago, I even banned myself from doing training for a few months, as I was so hungry for what the world had to offer that I was not focused enough on implementing. I’ve since found a workable balance whereby my training calendar is focused predominantly on my goals for the year ahead (and not just what looks amazing, interesting, and potentially useful for the future). Right now, I have a speakers coach, an online mastermind group, an accountability buddy, a productivity coach, a coaching supervisor and a business-mentoring group. It might sound excessive (actually, it seems down right ridiculous as I type it out – YIKES!!), but I have learned that this is what I want to do to keep myself moving forward toward my life’s goals. I have learned that investing in myself is my highest business priority. It is a passion, a hobby AND luckily for me, a sound business investment. And yes, it is also my happy addiction. ;)

What’s your professional development passion? What's your personal development pleasure? I’d love to know.  

And, of course, if you need help spending any of your PD budget before the end of financial year, I can help you out. 

Just get in touch today.

Warm regards,
