Anneli Blundell - People Whisperer

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The Motherhood Penalty - Mums at the Table

The Motherhood Penalty. Is that really a thing?

Yes. Yes it is.

The Motherhood Penalty is the invisible price women pay for becoming mums. As sad as it is to admit, motherhood is costing women at work.

Women who have children are more likely to be the primary caregiver. As such, they will either take a career break, or work part-time, in order to raise their kids. This means less money comes in each week, lower pay and less superannuation. I mean it literally when I say care is costing us.

But the cost is more than dollars alone; it’s also career prospects, networks, visibility, and opportunities to get ahead.

But there is hope!

In the article below, I outline strategies to help you challenge the status quo of parenting expectations and get the most out of being a mother and a career woman.

You can read the full article here or click the image below. 

(This article originally appeared in Mums at the Table, 16th of March 2023.)